Hillary for Iowa | States - Basic pages | Hillary for America
Democratic town hall: Will Clinton pitch backfire? (Opinion) - CNN.com
Iowa student slips up, denies CNN planted his question for Hillary Clinton (Video) — RT USA
Strategists for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Aim for Every Inch of Iowa - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton, Battling in Iowa, Turns Warm Under Pressure - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Deadlocked in New Iowa Poll | TIME
Vader van meisje uit zwembadincident: "Heisa is sterk overdreven" | Vluchtelingen | De Morgen
Stadsbestuur Antwerpen niet blij met open brief stadsdichter | Antwerpen | De Morgen
Terreurverdachte opgepakt in Fedasil-centrum Charleroi | Islamitische Staat | De Morgen
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
links of the day 01/28/2016 (a.m.)
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
links of the day 01/27/2016 (a.m.)
China warns George Soros against going to 'war' on its currency
FULL Democratic Presidential Town Hall Debate 1/25/2016 - YouTube
Inside Madaya: Videos show starving in Syrian town - CNN.com
World Bank issues 'perfect storm' warning for 2016 | Business | The Guardian
Staatsveiligheid: "Weinig hints naar aanslagen Parijs in terreurnota" | Aanslagen Parijs | De Morgen
links of the day 01/26/2016 (p.m.)
if you don't know how google works, stay of the internet : No trust without independent control
Kunnen we deze foto straks nog publiceren? | Corbis | De Morgen
Burgemeesters sp.a gebuisd, Open Vld scoort het best | Enquête | De Morgen
Wetstraat mispakt zich aan Koksijde | Zwembadincident | De Morgen
China just published a nasty warning to traders around the world - Yahoo Finance
Monday, 25 January 2016
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Friday, 22 January 2016
links of the day 01/22/2016 (p.m.)
Judge won't order Detroit teachers to halt sickouts - CNN.com
Alexander Litvinenko: Scary truth beneath headlines (Opinion) - CNN.com
Een parking voorbehouden voor uw klanten... - Recht - Tips & Advies Ondernemingsdatabank
Parkeerboete op privéparking? - SeniorenNet - de startpagina voor senioren: de actieve 50-plussers
Antiterreurorgaan OCAD wordt doorgelicht | Terreurdreiging | De Morgen
Thursday, 21 January 2016
links of the day 01/22/2016 (a.m.)
Open Vld wil databank met gemiddelde strafmaat voor elk misdrijf | Justitie | De Morgen
Clinton Library set to release Donald Trump records - POLITICO
Apocalypse now: Sarah Palin's bizarre Trump endorsement analyzed | US news | The Guardian
Alexander Litvinenko: the man who solved his own murder | Luke Harding | World news | The Guardian
Alexander Litvinenko: Profile of murdered Russian spy - BBC News
links of the day 01/21/2016 (p.m.)
Schooldirecteur van zelfmoordterrorist Bilal Hadfi riskeert schorsing | Brussel | De Morgen
Why Reams of Intelligence Did Not Thwart the Paris Attacks - The New York Times
Encrypt for Freedom! Cartoons about why we need encryption - IFEX
Lancashire 'terrorist house' row 'not a spelling mistake' - BBC News
Bernie Sanders: 17 things the Democratic socialist believes - BBC News
Is France's unloved AZERTY keyboard heading for the scrapheap? - BBC News
Civilians to help police investigate cybercrimes, says Theresa May - BBC News
Karen Hughes To Work on The World's View of U.S. (washingtonpost.com)
Fact Sheet: National Strategy for Counterterrorism | whitehouse.gov
Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) - Google Search
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
links of the day 01/21/2016 (a.m.)
Oxfam Report Finds 62 Wealthiest People Have as Much Money as Half the World - The Atlantic
Why Computers Aren't Going to Steal Everyone's Jobs - The Atlantic
Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump, Forging an Alliance of the Aggrieved - The Atlantic
Driverless cars pose worrying questions of life and death - FT.com
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bernie Sanders and Reparations - The Atlantic
Russian airstrikes are working in Syria — enough to put peace talks in doubt - The Washington Post
links of the day 01/20/2016 (p.m.)
Taliban richten bloedbad aan bij aanval op universiteit in Pakistan | Terrorisme | De Morgen
De twee gezichten van Newsmonkey, een jaar na de start | Nieuwssites | De Morgen
Merendeel Android-apparaten blijkt lek | Technologie | De Morgen
Opinie: De drie fouten van Vermeersch | Brief van de dag | De Morgen
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
links of the day 01/19/2016 (p.m.)
Crelan riskeert tot 70 miljoen euro te verliezen door zware fraude | fraude | De Morgen
Na de loonhandicap is er nu ook de stroomhandicap | energieprijs | De Morgen
Compass Digital for Travel Vacation Hiking Walking – Windows Apps on Microsoft Store
Intergraph Mobile Responder – Windows Apps on Microsoft Store
Windows 10 Spying: Prevent Windows 10 spying with 6 privacy tools | BGR
Settlement of NYPD Muslim Surveillance Lawsuits: A Platform for Better Oversight | Just Security
ISIS in the United States: Which Legal Regime Applies? | Just Security
The hidden cybersecurity risk for federal contractors -- FCW
McCaul wants new commission on encryption and law enforcement -- FCW
Monday, 18 January 2016
Sunday, 17 January 2016
links of the day 01/18/2016 (a.m.)
Un enregistrement clandestin pourrait faire basculer l’affaire Kerviel–Société générale
La "petite vengeance" de l'ex-femme de Cahuzac - Yahoo Actualités France
Closer : les stars et les news people en live - Closermag.fr
Découverte d'une «Pompéi» britannique - Yahoo Actualités France
IS abducts over 400 in east Syria after deadly assault - Yahoo News
Russia Is Beefing Up Its Air Defenses, Top U.S. Air Force General Says : NPR
Czech leader says Muslims 'impossible to integrate' in Europe - Yahoo News
Why top scientists are so worried about intelligent machines
Microsoft Word - Masterproef FINAAL FINAAL.docx - RUG01-002213658_2015_0001_AC.pdf
Friday, 15 January 2016
links of the day 01/15/2016 (p.m.)
Doubts Raised Over Reported Offer for Belgian Gun Maker Herstal - Real Time Brussels - WSJ
U.S. Presses Forward with Missile Defenses, Despite Russia Concerns - Real Time Brussels - WSJ
Human trafficking survivor: I was raped 43,200 times - CNN.com
Extrême-droite, épisode 5: Le GUD (groupe union défense) – les AZA subversifs
Le Groupe Union Défense : la droite néofasciste à l'université (1968-1988) - Archipel
Thursday, 14 January 2016
links of the day 01/15/2016 (a.m.)
"Jonge Vlamingen voelen weinig voor separatisme N-VA" | Onderwijs | De Morgen
Votre patron autorisé à lire vos messages privés - ICT actualité - Data News.be
McCain to Pentagon leader: Come clean on Chinese hacking | Washington Examiner
McCain hacked off over U.S. cyberstrategy | Washington Examiner
Audit: Pentagon task force wasted millions in Afghanistan | Washington Examiner
Nationalistisch concert zorgt voor ophef in Sint-Niklaas | extreemrechts | De Morgen
"Identiteit door Muziek"
West-Afrika officieel ebolavrij nadat virus ruim 11.300 mensenlevens eiste | Update | De Morgen
links of the day 01/14/2016 (p.m.)
Eolico: tribunale Milano condanna "sviluppatore parchi" Nicastri a 4 anni -2- | Kairos
Truffa allo Stato sull?eolico L?accusa chiede 5 anni per il «manager del vento»
ITALIE. La longue traque du numéro un de Cosa Nostra - 1 janvier 2015 - L'Obs
Onze proches du "parrain" de la mafia arrêtés en Sicile - 7SUR7.be
Someone Just Leaked Hard-Coded Password Backdoor for Fortinet Firewalls
The Mysterious Case of CVE-2016-0034: The hunt for a Microsoft Silverlight 0-day - Securelist
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
links of the day 01/13/2016 (a.m.)
Stappenplan bij diefstal door personeel - Personeelsnet: vakkennis voor HR-professionals
State Department to release Huma Abedin email trove - POLITICO
U.N. says some of its peacekeepers were paying 13-year-olds for sex - The Washington Post
Wat doen bij diefstal door een werknemer ? - Tips & Advies Ondernemingsdatabank
Privacy en strafrecht: nieuwe en grensoverschrijdende verkenningen - Google Books
links of the day 01/12/2016 (p.m.)
The Regin malware and state sponsored espionage | Cloudmark Security Blog
Secret Malware in European Union Attack Linked to U.S. and British Intelligence
British Spy Agency GCHQ Hacked Belgian Telecoms Firm - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Photos of an NSA “upgrade” factory show Cisco router getting implant | Ars Technica
NSA Laughs at PCs, Prefers Hacking Routers and Switches | WIRED
3-2011-12-NAC-3Q-review-october-december-2011.png (PNG Image, 903 × 74 pixels)
NSA infected 50,000 computer networks with malicious software - NRC
How the NSA Plans to Infect ‘Millions’ of Computers with Malware
cookies-qi.png (PNG Image, 783 × 1048 pixels) - Scaled (81%)
Belgacom_Connections.jpg (JPEG Image, 1604 × 1180 pixels) - Scaled (72%)
The Inside Story of How British Spies Hacked Belgium’s Largest Telco
FANC: "Geen reden tot ongerustheid na incidenten in kerncentrales" | Kernenergie | De Morgen
Maak u geen zorgen: "Onze kerncentrales zijn veilig" | Electrabel | De Morgen
Is het echt beter dat de bonden geen uitkeringen uitbetalen? | Factcheck | De Morgen
"Belg betaalt groot deel van ziektefactuur zelf" | Gezondheidssysteem | De Morgen
Zou N-VA regering laten vallen over Catalonië? | Catalaanse kwestie | De Morgen
Hans Bonte keihard voor regering: "We creëren hier terroristen" | Radicalisering | De Morgen
Monday, 11 January 2016
links of the day 01/12/2016 (a.m.)
Eerste containerhuisjes voor vluchtelingen in Calais | Vluchtelingen | De Morgen
‘Catfishing’ over love interest might have spurred U-Va. gang-rape debacle - The Washington Post
The new way police are surveilling you: Calculating your threat ‘score’ - The Washington Post
Montasser Alde'emeh opgepakt in terreuronderzoek | Terrorisme | De Morgen
"Montasser Alde'emeh"
Montasser AlDe'emeh: 'Stop met luisteren naar Dyab Abou Jahjah' | DOORBRAAK - Meer dan een mening
links of the day 01/11/2016 (p.m.)
Two months after FBI debacle, Tor Project still can’t get an answer from CMU | Ars Technica
Analysis confirms coordinated hack attack caused Ukrainian power outage | Ars Technica
2016 Google Tracker: Everything Google is working on for the new year | Ars Technica
Juniper drops NSA-developed code following new backdoor revelations | Ars Technica
Opinie: De strijd tegen terrorisme mag onze basiswaarden niet aantasten | Opinie | De Morgen
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Saturday, 9 January 2016
links of the day 01/10/2016 (a.m.)
Making it easier to report threats to law enforcement | Twitter Blogs
"we take threats of violence seriously and will suspend responsible accounts when appropriate"
Security experts fear 'European 9/11' in 2016 - Business Insider
5 intriguing developments that will shape the direction - Business Insider
Why NATO says it's time to stop hugging the Russian bear - Yahoo News
What a Loss in Syria Would Mean for Putin's Russia - The Atlantic
Video: Muslim Woman Abused by Crowd, Kicked Out of Donald Trump Rally Interviewed by CNN - YouTube
Wat gebeurt er als een moslima zich in het publiek van Trump waagt? | Verkiezingen VS | De Morgen
Abaaoud gefilmd in metro tijdens aanslagen Parijs | Buitenland | De Morgen
Netflix wil alleen nog wereldwijde licenties | Streaming | De Morgen
"Regering creëert zelf nieuwe generatie terroristen" | Antiterrorisme | De Morgen
Friday, 8 January 2016
links of the day 01/09/2016 (a.m.)
Hackers Help. Responsible Disclosure in the Netherlands - YouTube
Deze uitvinding moet veiligheid en privacy verzoenen | Internetprivacy | De Morgen
De fraudezaak-Rik Torfs: het dossier dat de KU Leuven niet onderzocht - DeWereldMorgen.be
Mysterieuze 'ruimteballen' storten neer in Vietnam | Wetenschap | De Morgen
Basisloon voor 30-urenweek: John Crombez wil de sociale zekerheid hertekenen | Sp.a | De Morgen
Waarom u wakker moet liggen van het gigantische gaslek in Californië | Global Warming | De Morgen
Thursday, 7 January 2016
links of the day 01/08/2016 (a.m.)
Cybersecurity firms find that ship data recorders can be hacked at sea
Security Messages to U.S. Citizens | Brussels, Belgium - Embassy of the United States
Here’s Why Saudi Arabia Is Fighting So Hard for Power | TIME
Check the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) | Homeland Security
US utilities warned to boost defenses after blackout in Ukraine | TheHill
Guide to C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) - Google Books
Regulation - Brussels puts formal plans in place for European Coast Guard Agency - Lloyd's List
Security initiatives of non-EU Customs administrations - European Commission
Donald Trump straft Britten als hij land niet in mag | VS-verkiezingen | De Morgen